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Hey! So Glad You're Here.

So, what exactly affected my life?


I don' think that it was THE EVENT that changed my life. What I DO remember for sure, is the influence that books have given me. I was reading a lot of self-development literature. And the financial aspect was a big part of many of these books, because finances is one of 3 major areas of our lives. I even challenge myself to read 1000 books in a year. It didn’t work out quite that number, but reading 200 books in 2 years has given me a huge push in my self-establishing in this life. I have learned a lot. So, reading is a MUST.

I am fan of long-term investing and my mindset is set accordingly. These are the rules I am sticking to:

  1. Spend less than you earn

  2. Avoid debt

  3. Put some money aside as savings

  4. Put some money aside every month and invest in a low-cost long term investment vehicles that track broad market indices

I am not a financial planner and my advice is considered as an advice only, but I am willing to educate you and share with you whatever I know myself. If there is something that I don’t know, I will be more than happy to find out and follow up with you.

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